Taxidermy in Mount Vernon, Arkansas Xtreme Taxidermy - Mount Vernon, AR - Home Page
Xtreme Taxidermy is proud to be partnering with Animal Planet
for an exciting new TV series in 2011!    We want you to join us!

Field CarePricingPet PreservationTV Show

Site created by Diana Cantey for Xtreme Taxidermy (c) November 2007-2016
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Our pet preservation services have now expanded into our sister company, Beyond The Rainbow Pet Preservation Services

BTR offers our customers a very special service known as pet preservation.  We realize that pets are a very important part of our lives, and when it is time that we must say goodbye to them, we can offer a loving and lasting alternative to burial or cremation. 
A new process known as freeze dry preservation affords pet owners a way to preserve their pet in a visible and restful manner.  
To learn more please visit: or call 501-365-6057.
Pet Preservation...
Xtreme Taxidermy...
Located in Central AR approximately 40 miles north of Little Rock, we specialize in creating life-like creations from your harvest.  Whether for a first time hunter or the experienced sportsman, we take great pride in creating a special piece to commemorate your hunt that will last you a lifetime. 

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Family owned and operated for 20+ years

Full Service Taxidermist 
Phone:  501-849-3353

We appreciate your business!  
Please contact us for quotes on our traditional taxidermy mounts and custom projects!
Click here to visit McKenzie Taxidermy Supply
We proudly endorse
McKenzie Taxidermy 
supplies and products!
Address:  2234 Hwy. 5,  Mount Vernon, AR 72111
Please Note:

Arkansas state record for a velvet deer taken by Stuart Everett, Faulkner County, currently on tour with Buckmasters.  It is also on record as the 2nd largest velvet deer ever harvested.
Mounts BirdsMammalsCustom Mounts European MountsField CarePricing

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