Site created by Diana Cantey for Xtreme Taxidermy (c) November 2007-2016
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We proudly endorse
McKenzie Taxidermy 
supplies and products!
Xtreme Taxidermy Trophy Room...
We are proud to showcase some of the outstanding trophies that our customers have harvested in Arkansas and other neighboring states.  We appreciate them trusting Xtreme Taxidermy to produce a quality mount to commemorate their special hunt that they'll treasure for a lifetime. Send us a photo of your Xtreme Taxidermy finished trophy and it might get put on our trophy room page.

Your trophy here!  
Send us a photo of your Xtreme Taxidermy trophy mount and we will  put it in the trophy room.  
Email photo and information to:
Full Service Taxidermist
Phone:  501-849-3353
As seen on TV network